
Fly With Me To The Stars
Impossible is but a word


Hola. Cómo está?
My name is Chuz.

Or you could call me Zenn.

I'm a computer & chilli addict :D

bold underlined
strikethrough italic

SP - Architecture

Click to view my Personality Profile page
Thats about me.



4/3 Agnes Berlin Celine Cheryldine Cherylyn Daesiree Dom Garri Grace Hema Hui Ling Hui Ying Inn Tat Jason Jessica Joanna Kelly Kelvin Min Xuan Nabilah Nadya Priscella Rachael Ramesh Tun Li Valenlyn Wan Yi Wei Ling Xiu Hao Xing Xian Zeth Zhi Ying


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June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
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December 2009
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March 2011



Layout Designer:

GG end plz.
Sunday, 31 May 2009
It just dawned on me that I've yet to start on my chinese revision - not that I'm even motivated to give a shit. But, I will still try to give a shit, and see how it goes.

Fri was domxp's birthday parteh. I.D.E.F.L.A.B.P
So we watched a movie and dota. Epic win.
Stayed over at garri's until morning in the 6.

Supressed the sleeping bug but still, dropped at 6pm, to wake up 7am this morning. So best of luck to everyone taking the MT Os'.

I'm getting on Maple more than I want to. But it's a reprieve from my life.

Gemstones are the in

*I just realised I need a new dp. The elephant hair has been there for long enough. All contributions will be seriously reviewed.

This holiday seems not very packed. Third week totally empty. Win.

Tell me what to do or how to do it. Don't tell me what and how to do it.

Blogged at 3:26 pm

Let me light up the skies, but I'm so much better without you.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Shiok sia, slacking in teh comp lab now. Once in a lifetime. Up to now, it's been an okay day; not really good nor bad.

So many things to think about.

So today I saw a wedding procession on my way to school; but only the groom and his male bridemaids(forgot what the male version is called LOL).

I'm kinda disappointed now. Because of my English Oral results. I got a 33/40, but I feel my efforts were being discredited. I agree, that the teacher was lenient though. I'm not seeking recognition or praise for this, and that I'm aware that I'd be deluding myself if I say my oral will be as good without the leniency of the teacher. I only hope that the leniency is not a huge factor in the marks accorded to me.

I'm gonna try studying for Maler Tarnge, but it's time to sleep now.

Shit, it's 2202; I'm late for bed by 2 minutes!

Cya later!

Blogged at 1:00 pm

I'm not sorry.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Today was not as bad a day as I predicted (see previous post). I didnt have anything stolen, but someone else did :O

I overexerted myself during pe, and now, my toe seems fractured.

Nothing much interesting happened as usual, except for sleep and more sleep. Shiok that today a lot of teachers weren't present.

4 and a half hours more to bed.

Somehow, I feel that I just dont want to try.

Blogged at 5:17 pm

Warm and cool.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
These few days haven't been good to me.

Got a haircut on sunday night. Dont ask me how it went.

Monday was a hot day, literally. I was sweating like mad throughout, without a clue.

Tuesday was the polar opposite; cold like fuck. Sensitive nose from 2pm onwards. Up to ... now.

Wednesday is a fucked up day, cause I got scolded and lost something. That's my prediction btw.

Rubbing salt into the wound does not help, thanks.

Kinda ... emotionally devoid. Hope things turn for the better.

Friday, to go or not to?

I'm going to start on a 10pm - 2am regime. Wish me luck.

I want a Acer Aspire 8930G.

I love typing this way.

Talk to anyone who would still be on at 2am. If I can wake up.

This is what pisses me.


So I'm here at 2am, for god-knows-what reason. I looked out of the window, and guess what I saw. Rain. Yes, rain, the droplets. I could have bloody hell been sleeping my way through instead of typing right here. And I'm eating an ice-cream. Shiok man.


Blogged at 9:41 pm

Spluttering Engine.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Weekends was great. I practically slept through it.

From monday (1 zhengwen was late)

I'm going to cook on June 4th :O Master chef in action seh. Come sarport pl0x.

Darn my messy desktop. Let's see when my laziness will give way to action.

Monday B-lose.

Blogged at 11:40 pm

Friday, 22 May 2009
LIKE FINALLY! The hell is over, and I have 2 burdens down with the end of this week. 2 down, dozens more to go.

Adam Lambert > Kris Allen. Period.

I've been following a music blog. The author is just bloody biased or just plain retarded. It's a she and she supports Kris Allen. Nothing wrong with that, but there sure is something wrong with putting the opponents down just because they are the opponents. Ffs, I doubt he's even in there just because he's gay. And he can bloody hell sing.

"You say Kris I say Adam
You say Danny I say Adam
You say Alison I say Adam
99% wanted Kris but a 100% wanted Adam this is want american idol makes it more sad so copy and paste if you agree with me

~love you adam~ <3"

Found the above on a youtube video.

More to come if I can think of anything.

Blogged at 9:14 pm

It's much clearer now.
School sucks. Big time. I never used to feel it, until now. Cbf'ed to elaborate.

So now, with just approximately 6 hours left to dawn, I have to complete my food order list, a small task, but I still have loads behind which are burdens after burdens. Talk about more courseworks. I've been whining about them for the past few weeks. I'll see if I can survive tomorrow. Seriously, fuck chinese mock exams.

I'm lost in a cave and I need a source of light.

Not downhill please.

Blogged at 1:00 am

Wednesday, 20 May 2009
I want this.

Blogged at 12:28 am

A very memorable birthday to you,
Monday, 18 May 2009
Happy birthday Boon Tat!

Just back from a wicked gathering with Boon & co. And my stomach is still churning from the darn mixture I ate. Good day.

Today marked the first day of my torture. Was almost late for school, so I grabbed the stuff that I need and left home. To think I forgot my thermometer. Lucky me. Could have slept for the whole of the chinese mock papers, if not for the chinese teacher.

K gg I need a dump.

Blogged at 10:07 pm

Sparks involuntarily cause fires.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
*This section is dedicated to one whom I doubt will visit my blog. I'm inclined to type this all out, because I feel it's going out of hand, all for nothing? No names.*

Friends. I admit, we were not even close friends, only related by other friends. Still we exchanged conversations, talked and laughed. But now, it's just declining into a politics kind of thing. I know not when facades came into play, lies are weaved, backstabs common-place. It's just a dangerous disillusionment on your part, and I fear for you. Her reply means nothing but to defend, not to say you stand a chance, or at least that is how I feel. I may be wrong, but only time will tell.
To our acquaintance, may luck be with you. If a fight is what you want, a war is what you get.

Hello? I didnt know life is getting more and more competitive. Are backstabs really necessary in getting what you want? If you have the ability, why resort to underhand measures? Subterfuges are just what they are, it wouldn't stay the same way forever. Ok enough.


I like.

Misperceptions; if only they dont exist.

Blogged at 11:36 pm

Saturday, 16 May 2009
Hello there. Been spending the past 3 hours doing some woodcraft constructing :O

The sense of achievement was kewl. Behold teh mastahpeece.



Those are the leftovers.

As usual, I woke up late(what's surprising), and missed out my morning mentoring. Luckily, I had an afternoon one too, and boy did I learn much. Thanks a lot Tunli! A1 for sure now LOL.

I am going to parteh, now that the MYE has reached a standstill for now. I mean, chinese will kill me if I look at it for 5 hours a day, for 5 days. Gimme a C6 please, that's all I ask for.

I want a LG GD900.


Blogged at 10:20 pm

Thursday, 14 May 2009
Exhausted - emotionally.

It feels like I'm both out in the open, and in the dark. Shoot me if you want, dont hesitate.

Blogged at 11:24 pm


Click to see the juicy details.

You know, it's the first time I EVER dissected a burger to eat like big breakfast -.- Pretty innovative (thanks for showing ah), but also damn funny at the same time, thinking of what the mac staff are prolly doing in response to our weirdity. McGriddles is nice though. Being first to queue for it makes it all the more sweeter. So I guess I'm a better photographer than Valyn ^^


Okay, so yesterday was the first day of night study for me this year. It's pretty much expected what happened. Slack slack slack, rinse and repeat. Went out for dinner at about 5.40pm, came back an hour later with just the food. n1? Not bad a session, at least I learnt that I can be hired to Harvey Norman if I apply.

AND AND AND. I think I'm going to pass madz for the first first first time. Congrats please.
P.s I just realised I think I wrote 'Madz' for the subject on the Ans sheet. Who cares anw.

What the shit teacher is this? Granted, the student wrote bullshit LOL, but leave blanks if you dont know? Gtfo bitch

Let's spend the afternoon in a cold hot-air balloon.

Blogged at 4:43 am

Dog, cat, mouse-tired.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
I'm so tired now I cant think.

Easy peasy.

Back later.

Blogged at 5:29 pm

Dead meat, with a sprinkle of salt.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Ded. Ded. Ded. Ded. Ded. Ded. Ded.

This week will be the decider, if I live or die. From the looks of it, it doesn't look positive at all. 5 tests lined up for 4 days in a row, and 2 courseworks bearing their weight on me. Yet to complete research for F&N, while others are 2 tiers ahead of me. My CS is also 2 tiers slower.

This week, remedials will clash like shit, because I have Computer Studies make up lessons for 3 of the 4 days. Good for CS, bad for rest.

There is still honeysucker to look forward to.

Happy Vesak Day.

Why is there a need for facades?

Not dog-like, but god-like.

Blogged at 6:53 pm

Scale the mountain.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Hai lcmz.

School's boring.

Initially, I thought about experimenting with the format of compos. That I did, and pay for it I sure did. 18/30 ftl? I did it twice; compos as diary entries and as a script.

Physics, and geog on red alert. Srsly, I hate memorisation and formulas.

Operation Vileo.

So damn tired now, I can just fall asleep immediately. Only things that are keeping me awake are the toothpick I installed to my eyelids; new fashion accessory baby.

Honeysucker tastes not bad.

My berry plz?

Blogged at 9:28 pm

Happiness is when you do well for one aspect of a task and flunk all the others.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Hai noobs! I'm like damn happy, even though I messed up my Oral quite a bit. I was banking on Reading and Conversation, preparing to flunk my Picture. Guess what happened, I got VERY positive (You have, you have?!!? NO!) comments for my Conversation, but I did better for Picture than Reading surprisingly. Woohoo, I was like grinning like a Cheshire Meow when I finished the whole thing. This is just the beginning, Os' yet to come.

Was planning to do some work, but I was damn thirsty. A thirsty man is an angry man, so I trudged all the way to 7 Eleven to get some drinks. And now I'm bloated like hell, having drank 1 bottle of Lychee and a Slurpee.

Alright back to work ;) SYS.

Blogged at 1:17 am

I'm gonna put up a fight.
Saturday, 2 May 2009

Elevator Psychology

I lmao'ed at it.

Like darn it now, just when I'm about to start on my hw, I have to feel sick. Hope it's nth srs, like a H1N1.

Headache, check.
Fatigue, check.
Chills, check.


K, wonder if I would be at school tmr. Still fatigued, headache present.

I'm going to practise random kindness :O I mean more than what I normally do; I've always been kind haven't I? LOL.


I just rmbed I dreamt of something realllllll funny.I was in a shopping mall, I went into the toilet, and exorted a gun from a guy using a fake gun. I escaped and walked furtively towards a gang. THEN LIKE LOL. I CRIED. For I-dont-know-what reason. Then I got robbed of my gun and things. Like wow epic dream for me.

K, back another day. Rest time.

The temptation to quit will be the greatest just when you're about to succeed.

Blogged at 6:54 pm