School is slowly turning from a place for me to learn, into a place I dread to go everyday. For the record, I havent been turning up to school for more than a bloody week.
I keep saying, trying hard to convince myself, that I will do and finish my project. And it wasn't even that I didn't want to do it. I just can't seem to complete what I want to do.
Though I
think I may have made a wrong choice in coming to Architecture, I hope to still be able to put in my best and see where it goes from there. One thing is for sure; I really want to get into Psychology.
Blogged at 3:01 am
You will not know your limits until you test them.
It's been long.
Been up to a couple of things recently. Watched Inception. I'm no movie critic, but I can safely say that the movie was worth the watch, and everything fell into place nicely, invoking the deep recesses of your mind.
The rabbit and the teddy bear belongs to a stone and pebble respectively. :D
My skating experience is akin to wanting to run before I can walk. I want to do parallel and acid, but I have yet to even master the t brake, or even skating properly. Nevertheless, I will reach that aim, sooner or later.
Pancakes! The first time making pancakes, with Wanyi, could be considered much of a success. The first one turned out damn hilarious; scrambled egg anyone? The second turned out better, but it was severely burnt on one side - still tasted good. From then on, it was more or less smooth sailing. Deliciousssssss.
I've got to say, I really appreciate the friends that I have now. It's not everyday you find a friend willing to talk to a stone wall everyday. For that, the best thing to do will be to reciprocate.
Losing a loved one is never easy. More so is losing one whom you never got to tell, "I love you." Dont hold up on saying it just because you feel that your pride is more important. When you lose your chance, nothing you do will ever regain it.
Blogged at 9:33 am