Lessons of lessons.

I've learnt...
-That your happiness should not depend on someone else.
I've been like that in the past, but it's never wise to do so. I've ever really felt happy, almost euphoria, that even people around me could tell. I'd give just to stay like that always.
-That your needs precedes that of everyone's else.
It's not to the extent of being selfish, but more of that, if you cannot even make yourself happy, how do you expect to make others happy?
-That when in doubt, ask.
The knowledge you gain by losing a bit of 'face' is incomparable.
-That you should stand up for something/someone you care for.
If it is important to you, you will protect it. Dont wait until it is too late to salvage.
-To practise what you preach.
I've always advocated positive quotes and idioms, but admittedly, some of them are ideals which I hope to live by, while others are those that I already am living by. Either way, I'll be keeping them with me till coffin come.
-To always go for what you like.
Dont miss out the chance just to be with your friends. Everyone is pursuing their dreams,
-That you shouldnt condemn a person to the negatives just because you dont like the appearance.
I was slightly guilty of this, even though I try not to. I'm now free of it, and I'm happy to say, I do not judge people as much; I wasn't a good judge of character to begin with.
-If you make the effort to do something, you will succeed.
I've fallen short on this point, but I'm trying to make up for it. For now, I am putting in more effort than the previous semester in Architecture, but it is not enough to mark a proper improvement of my grades.
I really want to achieve, but putting words into actions takes much more then just blogging it down. At least I took a first step to aim for. All the best, and see you in the future, as a much better and someone with a future.
Blogged at 11:14 pm

It's been long, and I doubt anyone is going to read this, but I still want to revive my blogging habits. It gives me a venue to pour out my thoughts, when there is no one else to.
A lot have happened since I last blogged, but in a nutshell, I've been okay, but not well. People have high expectations for life, but I am satisfied as long as I can be happy and carefree. I dont need to be a millionaire, nor be goddamn famous. However, society dictates that, if you do not have money, you will find it hard finding 'happiness'. I cannot change that, but I can still remain happy in spite of it.
I got a feeling I may be starting to come out of my teenage phase; or at least, I want to. I dont want to have so much emotions, nor try to please everyone but myself. I know for a fact that I am altruistic, but in this world, many will take advantage of that. Sometimes what I do to others, is what I want others to do to me. For one, listen. I've yet to find someone who can be a listening ear to me, and a confidant.
I've not have many friends, but I know for sure, that I'll be there for a real friend if the need arises. Just know that I'll always be there for you.
Blogged at 7:33 pm