Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Today, I attended the second Graduation assembly in CCKSS. Not an honour, and certainly not fun as well - at least for me. This year is very much scaled down, leaving the video making to the AVA and some people from 4/1 - compared to last year when classes did their own videos. It's good and bad in ways. Good because it helps to prevent people from making totally retarded videos with Windows Movie Maker. But on the other hand, it muffles the video making skills of those who have them; I'm not referring to myself for the latter, but I definitely do not belong to the former.
It would have been meaningful to others, and it was to me as well, but for entirely different reasons. They would have gone there for the memories and the graduation itself, while I went to disseminate the speech. And I sure picked up a lesson or two. Firstly, my principal is hypocritical. She says that there were a lot of helpers from the alumni in the previous years, but this year seems as if there is not many. Know what? I brought some of the ex-students to night study, and they were disallowed entry. The next day, Mrs tang said that you should not bring OUTSIDERS to school. Sure, that makes for a good welcome-back gift for them eh. Stop on the H1N1 already. It have not and is currently not and will not affect any of the students. If you are so afraid, you might as well close down the school. That would certainly save everyone's asses wouldn't it?
Next up are speeches by students. I am not picking bones or fights here, but I really beg to differ with some of the points and motivational words said. Someone mentioned that you are not competing with others, but you are competing with yourself to push the limit(somewhere along that line). However, in whichever way you look at it, and however much you try to deny, the fact remains that you are indeed competing, intensely at that, with others. You can get a mediocre result, and claim that you did your best, but ultimately, if you go nowhere, it is pointless. That statement sounds delusional to me.
Sure, I believe in motivation, but it should be that it really inspires and motivates, not deluding and falsifying.
I am motivated to do well, and it is not because of the motivation thrown around this afternoon. It will be to prove people wrong, and the first on the list will be the teachers. I'm going to do this only for myself, and dont try and claim credit that you helped me a lot on my journey to graduation. The only way this school helped me would be that they sold textbooks in school and that they gave me a second chance. That would be all. Of course some teachers have helped tremendously; Mdm Prema, Mr Kong, Ms Chow and some others who have helped one way or another.
I must be crazed, but I am liking what I'm doing, even though I cant find the reason why. If the plan capitulates, it may mean a time for an alternate measure. It's the things not the person.

Blogged at 8:30 pm
Screwed royally.
Monday, 28 September 2009
I've got a lot of things I want to do, and I can't wait to start on them, but my current situation is such that I can do none of them with my full commitment, without feeling the guilt of having not studied for my mock exams.
Tmr's a balanced day. There is an easy paper (English) and an extremely hard paper (F&N). Seriously, when I was given the option to drop F&N, I should have just taken it gladly. Good luck to me.
I love my computer more and more each day. Everyday, I am finding new things to do with it, new stuff to put on it, new songs to listen to, new websites to browse and dota. I know that once I press the 'Sign in' button of my WLM, there will be no chance that I will switch it off to study. It's proven over the past 3 days, when the earliest I slept was 4 or 5 in the morning. Blast the computer.
I always thought I could hate no one. I was proven wrong of course. When there are people like Kanye West, Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas and Ris Low, you'll find that it's hard not to hate people, especially people who are retarded (those aforementioned). I'm sure many will beg to differ, but those are my views, and they are substantiated in my own ways. Disclaimer: I am not anti-hermaproditism, nor am I anti-blacks.
Really, I'm more aware than you think I am. Before I was told, I already knew it. The site is inactive, but still it's on the top 3 of my browser, what do you think?
Labels: Life, Random
Blogged at 12:02 am
Silence is golden.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Cursor InvisibleIt's fun yaw. My highscore is 277
Edit: Yay, new highscore 380.
The Heart Never LiesSome people laugh, some people cry
Some people live, some people die
Some people run, right into the fire
Some people hide their every desire
But we are the lovers
If you don't believe me
Then just look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies
Some people fight, some people fall
Others pretend they don't care at all
If you wanna fight I'll stand right beside you
The day that you fall I'll be right behind you
To pick up the pieces
If you don't believe me
Just look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies
Another year over, and we're still together
It's not always easy, but I'm here forever
We are the lovers
I know you believe me
When you look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies
And we are the lovers
I know you believe me
When you look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies
Another year over, and we're still together
It's not always easy, but I'm here forever
Yeah we are the lovers, I know you believe me
When you look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies
'cause the heart never lies
Because the heart never lies
Labels: Random
Blogged at 4:56 pm
Vociferous & compromising.
Thursday, 24 September 2009

I love helvetica.
My father is an idealist. This I found out today. It's good to be an idealist. It's not good to be over the top, however. At a time of crisis, it's much better to set your foot down in stone, and be more practical.
I assure you, it will stay the way I want.
Labels: Life, Random
Blogged at 9:52 pm
Savage salvation.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
I'm happy-sad. For no reason. Or maybe there is. I'm happy because I love the music I'm listening to. I'm sad because of life.
One in a lifetime chance, yet you are willing to forfeit it. Really, it's to your regret. I've looked back, with nostalgia, glad that one was made in memory of the precious past. A picture speaks a thousand words.
Fishes aplenty. I found a coelacanth, and all I know is, once lost, its gone forever. That, however, doesn't help in assuaging my passiveness. I know, all the dolphins in the world cannot make up for that one coelacanth. Oh the dilemma.
I want to buy a jigsaw puzzle and solve it all by myself. Ok, one is not enough. I want to buy jigsaw puzzles.
1 more month, to hello and goodbye.
Labels: Life, Random
Blogged at 3:56 am
Boon or bane?
Sunday, 20 September 2009
I had wanted to write about games, but didnt have the mood to write it out.
K so I'm going to start studying tmr. That is, if I can put myself into the mood. By the end of these 4 weeks of mock exams, it will show if I'm ready for war. For now, I'm confident for 2 of the 7 subjects I have. And fuck chinese. It's a fucking waste of my precious time.
Random BBQ and sleepover at Rosey's house. It was damn hilarious that we were playing Blind mice in the reading room of the condo, which was ridiculously small. There were 11 of us packed into a small room, which made for pure laughter and fun. 7 stayed for the sleepover, and Dahh fell first at like 2am only. I fell second, together with Navi, cause there was basically nothing to do except to watch 3 people playing dota. Left 9am the next day.
So that BBQ and sleepover fried my weekends, since I didnt do shit on sat before the event, and I've been using the comp ever since I woke up at 7pm Sunday. Now I'm left with monday to mug.

I like. Xperia X3
Labels: Life, Random
Blogged at 10:37 pm
Secretly secretive.
Friday, 18 September 2009
The average woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours, according to a new study.
Researchers found women will typically spill the beans to at least one other person in 47 hours and 15 minutes, reports the Daily Telegraph.
Depending on who the gossip is about, their boyfriend, husband, best friend or mother are the most likely to be the first person they tell.
The study of 3,000 women, aged between 18 and 65, also found that four out of ten admitted they were unable to keep a secret - no matter how personal or confidential.
It also found that alcohol usually gives us a helping hand to blurt out secrets with more than half admitting a glass or two of wine could prompt them to dish the dirt.
Michael Cox, UK Director of Wines of Chile, which commissioned the research to mark Chile's National Day, said: "It's official - women can't keep secrets.
"We were really keen to find out with this survey how many secrets people are told. What we didn't bank on was how quickly these are passed on by those we confide in.
"No matter how precious the piece of information, it's often out in the public domain within 48 hours. That means every single Brit who has confided in a friend should be worried because they don't know where their secret is heading."
Intimate issues, the true cost of purchases and affairs emerged top of the secret-keeping list, with girls most likely to share a secret chatting face-to-face, on the phone or via a text message.
Fortunately for some though, more than a quarter said they forgot what they were told the following day.
SourceI just cant seem to let go, nor can I seem to get myself into it.
It's the last stretch now. Surely, I must gear up, for the impending trials before me. I have the foundation for most but Chinese and maths, which are what I predict will fail. If that happens, the most that will happen to me will be that I choose another course instead of HRM. It will be a pity, but that's as a last resort which I hope I dont have to turn to.
More aft this, dota first.
Labels: Life, Personal, Random
Blogged at 7:39 pm
I'm impressed.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009

This is with a white border, which you wouldn't be able to see with my blogskin.

This is with a black border, which you will be able to see.
Due to popular demand, I've putted the border there. An improvised one, not the best, since I have yet to think of how to edit the motto and background, but I thought to at least show my progress.
I'm impressed. I thought I was the best at it. But you prove me wrong, surpassing me in a field which I thought belonged to me.
I was making changes to my previous posts, to include labels so that in future I will be able to find all those stuff more conveniently. And upon looking back, I realised the Me last time could be described in such a way; tried too hard and too eager to impress. At least now, I think I'm much more controlled, and not as retarded as the me of old.
I've underperformed. Not once, not twice, but upwards of trice. It all began with PSLE, where half my class got into the Special stream, while by a twist of fate, I landed up here in CCKSS. I'm not sure of the friends I would make if I had scored better, but I appreciate all the friends I've made thus far.
The next major one comes from last year; O levels. It was kind of expected, but with its element of surprise as well. I thought that, before I got my results, I would at least be able to make it to a poly, whichever course it is. In the end, I made it nowhere but back to the same old place. Same thing here, I'm not sure if I could have made better friends if I were somewhere else, but I certainly cherish the friends I've made this year.
I just hope, this will not be the next pitfall for me. I've had enough at the moment thanks. However, the situation seems all too familiar, at this point of time. I've yet to start my revision, and I'm unprepared for almost all my subjects. English is my saving grace, but English alone will not save my results. I'm always motivated, but I dont put my mind to action. I've been trying to will myself to start revision, but most of the time, it will fall face first. My wake up call should have came last year. This year is supposed to be when I do my best, and get my ass out of this school. 5 years is 1 too many for me.
Adios CCKSS. This I will swear by.
Labels: Personal, Random
Blogged at 8:47 pm
Studying to break free.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Labels: Random
Blogged at 3:50 am
Winner or loser?
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Win or lose, it's how you play the game that counts. Unless you lose very badly. Then you should probably be ashamed of yourself and quit.
Today is the day you can do something great. Don't let anyone tell you that TV and a large bag of Cheetos isn't something great.
When running a race, you'll often find that you can improve your time by running faster.
All koped from
here. Gogo it's damn funny - and retarded.
OMFG! And look at
I just stumbled on a page, which lists the popularity of each programming language (it's
here, if you are interested). Seems like I need to review my interests again. Seems like C++ isn't as popular as it seems to sound. PHP and C seems to be the in. Disclaimer: I'm going for the popularity, because it's more useful to learn a skill which is more recognised. Since I know nuts about programming, I'd do better to start with the more popular ones; that is if I can even sustain my interest. Now I can teach dom Photoshop and he can teach me PHP. Dom & lcmz passures.

I dont know which one is nicer - or maybe both plain sucks. Either way, comments are highly appreciated.
Labels: Deep, Inspiration, Random
Blogged at 9:37 pm
Saturday, 12 September 2009
You are quiet, skillful and reserved. You don’t mince words. When you finally speak, it is to let people know exactly where you stand.
You are not bound by policy or standard convention, rather your mind is open to every possibility and you excel at finding novel approaches to solving problems because of this.
You are likely to adopt a hobby involving mastery of a tool, such as fishing or hunting, and since you have a special talent for mastering tools you are likely to achieve the highest level of skill in your field.
You are a master of the tools of your trade and an excellent craftsman. Better than most, you know exactly how to use tools for maximum advantage. You enjoy work where you can visually see your results when the project is complete, not matter how simple or complex.
You are not interested in small talk, and actually may speak very little in general when compared to other people. Because you are not very expressive, some people think of you as a loner, and teachers may have mistakenly labeled you as “dyslexic” when you actually were born with an inclination for communicating through actions rather than words. You learn by doing, rather than by hearing, seeing or reading.
Standard grade school was not intended for students like you, and you probably found it incredibly tedious and boring. You were designed to use your hands and mind to master tools which other people cannot. When introduced to new tools, including weapons, your skill develops faster and further, and you speak more technically about it than other’s could even with more time and practice.
You feel most comfortable when other people don’t know exactly what to expect from you. This leaves your options open to take whatever action you’d like without it being particularly shocking to anyone. In fact, even those close to you never know whether you’ll respond to something with instant enthusiasm or reserved thought.
You particularly enjoy unexpectedly stepping up to tackle a mechanical or instrument problem and then solving it with ease, although you’ll steer clear if the problem involves people or attitudes. If you absolutely must refer to the directions then you will read only the part which specifically applies to the problem at hand. You like work which has a definite end, a completion point, rather than “research” or “administration” which could continue on forever.
You are observant and will watch your environment, collecting data, constantly. This makes you especially valuable in an emergency because you are the most likely to have spotted things going wrong and know the source of problems before anyone else.
You don’t waste energy on creating plans which might not work out anyway. You prefer to face each day anew and tackle problems as they arise. You rely on yourself and trust common sense to get things done in nearly all circumstances.
As a parent you do not feel the need to impose yourself or your standards on your children the way others do. In your eyes your children are individuals and you will respond to each of them according to their situations at any given time. Your spouse and your children know that you will give them the freedom and space they need to be their own person and you expect the same treatment in return.
You may attend a big party or social family function, but without a doubt you prefer the company of a few close friends and the tool of your hobby, be it a fishing pole or a guitar.
Some quiz which I did out of boredom. Kind of reflects what I am. I like the part on school. Fuck school.
Labels: Life, LOL, Personal, Random
Blogged at 11:09 pm
Hai I'm back again. And I'm here to bitch about poor english again.
Will it kill to just take a minute effort to just spellcheck whatever you happen to be typing or writing? It wouldn't kill you to churn out a block of grammatically perfect text. When I see errors as such, I really want /facepalm. For those guilty of the above, it wouldn't hurt to visit
here to brush up on your grammer. Seriously, people like that makes me want to die inside.
Next up on the flaming list are people who are poor listeners. If you want others to listen to you, you have to listen to others first. If you think this world is only about you, maybe it's time for a reality check. Hearing what I have said is not the same as listening to what I have said. Likewise, a tiny effort to absorb what the speaker is talking about will not kill. On the contrary, it builds a better relationship. So ffs, make use of your ears.
When I think of more things which abhor me, I will continue on it. For now, this is it.
Shut the fuck up so you can hear what I'm saying.Labels: Personal, Random
Blogged at 6:14 pm
What to do?
Friday, 11 September 2009
Ok, so I attended a motivational workshop yesterday. Useful, but only slightly. The coach said '1 month of life is better than your future no life'. It sure is true, but I can't put down my life now, even if it is only 1 month - or should I say, since there is only 1 month left.
I just hope, this year will not turn out like the last.
My priorities are screwed. They are as follow:
(By descending order of importance)
1. Graduation video (60% done)
2. Clan fml header & footer (0% done)
3. Photoshop (0.1% accomplished)
4. Finish sampling all the songs I have on hand - 1.2 gb (10% done)
5. English (Thesaurusing) (0% done)
6. O levels Revision (5% done)
7. The rest
If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse.
I will have to finish everything on top first, excluding photoshop and the thesaurus of course, before I can really start on my revision, and that's to say IF there are no further commitments coming my way. GLHF off to dota.
Labels: Life, Random
Blogged at 5:27 am
Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Labels: Deep, Random
Blogged at 10:11 pm
Open-ness breeds happy-ness.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
It feels good to be more open. I think today was the first day I ever initiated a "Goodnight" to my neighbour-of-another-floor. It, of course, doesn't stop there. I also happened to see my neightbour-of-the-same-floor. I think I would usually avoid greeting or looking at my neighbours. It feels better to start off or end off another person's day with a greeting. I love that.
The graduation video is undergoing rapid progress. A lot of hard work and repetition are involved, but when it's flashed on the screen, I know it will be worth all the effort; because I've done so before. It may not necessarily be the best, but it sure will be the most entertaining.

Preview of what is to come. Stay tuned.
Labels: Life, Personal, Random
Blogged at 11:13 pm
One way or another.
Sunday, 6 September 2009

That's a good life for you.

Edited this out of fun and a little bit of inspiration from a website.

This. Something which I wanted to do a few months ago, but my previous computer couldnt support the huge amount of text needed, so I had to drop that. Now, the result speaks for itself doesnt it?
p.s Helvetica is a damn nice font.
I have been playing for the past 4 days, which is a waste of time undoubtedly. I should get the video over and done with. It is kind of giving me an excuse to get on the comp.
Ok something on the physic re-prelim. It was expectedly easier, but unexpectedly short. I took 1 hour and 5 mins to finish both Mcq and paper 2. To think my request for early dismissal was approved too.
Now now, it's the holidays, but it's not the time to let up yet. So i guess my physics and most other subjs are covered for now, which leaves maths in the dust.
My maths teacher now keeps saying that the things are very straightforward, but it does not apply to everyone. If you dont have a fucking proper foundation like me, things can be tricky indeed.
A repertoire of skills is very important, for it will last you through your life. But it's kind of depressing to see that there are professionals, many of them mind you, who peddle their trade everywhere, which makes the market damn saturated, i.e photoshop professionals who have their own sites and everything.
Right now, I am only at the bottom of the mountain. When I look up, I see a steep face of the mountain, with stepping stones, but few and far between.
All the way up and all the way down.Labels: Life, Personal, Photoshop, Random, School
Blogged at 6:47 pm
Operation Graduation
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Heyo. I'm here, despite it not being sunday. Honestly, I'm not really abiding fully by it, but at least I'm trying to refrain myself. This time, however, I have a valid reason for being online; Operation Graduation. A bit early, but I dont wish to do it last minute this time, so as not to lose out in quality of course. The song is ready to go, and the subtitles are in the making. The pictures are the only things lacking.

I like his face.
My most recent resolution, the one on reading the dictionary, is now suspended, as Dominic the Generous thinks that reading a thesaurus will work better. So I'm waiting for the arrival of his thesaurus - mine to be - now.
I want to keep a fish. Something which will still be alive at the end of 5 years.
Blogged at 8:35 pm